Ovens for Marble Sector


Available in both electric and natural gas or LPG burning versions. Power 250 KW, designed to dry marble blocks up to 5200 kg.

Extremely energy efficient ovens, do not require a rotating washer for drying.

Model FM-50Q
Max. temperature [°C] 120
Min room volume. [mc] 1
Max. room volume [mc] 125 (dimensioni maggiori su richiesta)
Loading system Carrelli anche motorizzati, carelli porta-lastre
Main features
Uses and application

Range of ovens for treatments on metals, typically treatments on brass, steel, etc., with which various types of treatments such as stress relief, tempering, and stabilization can be carried out, with the aim of reducing internal and residual stresses that result from hot and cold working, hardening treatments, and machining, with temperatures ranging from about 150°C to 500°C depending on the materials. These ovens are used, for example, for stress relief treatments of brass components, with temperatures of 250-450°C, and for stress relief treatments after soldering.

Tempering is a heat treatment usually performed after hardening, with the aim of obtaining the desired hardness/tenacity ratio. These ovens are suitable for treatments for temperature ranges from 150°C to 450°C.

A widely used technique for assembly or disassembly operations of mechanical components and transmission organs, which involves using heat-generated thermal expansion to overcome the dimensional interference of two components and create an extremely strong mechanical coupling.

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